Alberto Keossian

A color photo depicting a cell-like repetitious pattern gesturing diagonally from the upper left corner of the image to the lower right corner of the image. The pattern consists of a repetition of bulbous flesh-like shapes of varying dark and light skin tones. The entire image has clusters of hair scattered around the bulbous forms.
Digital photo
36 in. x 24 in.
A color photo depicting an individual's eyes and nose. The lower middle portion of the image contains text.
You Have It Much Easier Than I Did in (Insert South of the Border Country Name Here): ¿Puedes Ver?
Digital photo
24 in. x 14 in.
A color photo depicting an individual's right ear. The lower middle portion of the image contains text.
You Have It Much Easier Than I Did in (Insert South of the Border Country Name Here): ¿Puedes Escuchar?
Digital photo
24 in. x 14 in.
A color photo depicting an individual's slightly open mouth. The lower middle portion of the image contains text.
You Have It Much Easier Than I Did in (Insert South of the Border Country Name Here): ¿Puedes Entender?
Digital photo
24 in. x 14 in.
A color photo depicting a brown flesh-like surface and dark black textural background. The lower middle portion of the image contains text.
You Have It Much Easier Than I Did in (Insert South of the Border Country Name Here): ¿Puedes Sentir?
Digital photo
24 in. x 14 in.
An image of black text along a white background. The text resembles a template depicting a Lost Dog flyer and contains an empty rectangular space with a black border in the upper middle section.
Lost Thought
Ink on copy paper
8 1/2 in. x 11 in.
An image of black text along a white background.
A Poem Dedicated to Thought
dimensions variable
A collection of black and white images depicting homes, a community, community members and police.
Red Stains Deeper Than Blue (still)
1920 x1080, 2:18
A video still depicting five anthropomorphic figures gathered together around an architectural structure resembling a make-shift home. The figures are stained and surrounded by a red liquid.
Red Stains Deeper Than Blue (still)
1920 x1080, 2:18

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